Shop 100,000+ items using your mobile phone for anytime, anywhere access to your favorite brands and products. Scan items in store, create and manage wedding & gift registries, view product availability, and order online pick-up in store…all in the palm of your hand. You never know what you may find and our app makes shopping on the go convenient and easy. Beyond Any App Of Its Kind!
Features:Universal ScannerUse the camera on your phone to scan UPC barcodes and QR codes in store to buy, browse, or learn. You can even add items directly to your registry, wishlist or cart.
RegistryEasily manage, create and find your wedding & gift registries on the go.
Registry – Interactive HowbookWe’ve created the perfect couple! Easily scan and add items in the Howbook to your registry from the comfort of your own home. Come in store to pick up your copy today.
Product AvailabilityShop with confidence with the ability to check whether an item is in stock at your local store right from your phone.
Pick-up In-StoreBeat the rush with the ability to reserve items online and pick them up at the local store of your choice.
My AccountAccess your Bed Beth and Beyond account anytime, anywhere to view and track orders or add items to your wishlist.
Store LocatorBe able to locate the closest Bed Bath and Beyond to you at any time.
eCatalogsView the latest eCatalogs right from your phone to stay on top of the latest products and deals.
App works best on version 4.4 or higher.